Too many of us are living in a glass bubble of illusion in an effort to show ourselves strong to a world that really isn’t paying attention. Deep down, I’m convinced we’re possessed by the pressure to jumpstart the mundane and numb the fear of not being good enough fast enough.
I’m certain there is a better way to live because that one is a far cry from reality. Joining me today to discuss this issue is my good friend and former American Eagle model, Brigitte Wanner.
In this episode, you’ll discover…
- Measuring the total worth and value of your life by looking through the lens of social media creates a destructive environment in which insecurity, comparison, and a lack of self-worth not only grows, but thrives.
- If you’re faithful in what is least, you can be trusted with more. As a generation, how can we be entrusted with more when we’re not fully appreciating and stewarding the time and resources we have been given already?
- Living an authentic life requires us to be fully present in the moment. And to be fully present with the people who truly matter most, we must learn how to separate from our devices in order to make meaningful emotional connections.
- Breaking the addiction requires a decision and regular follow-through.
- Show-up for life. Don’t waste precious moments to add value to others.