How many of you have believed taunts such as I’m not good enough. I’m missing something. I always make the wrong choice? You know that if you have, instead of using your time and energy to discover and live from your true identity, you live through the lens of “less than.” But the trouble is that a believed lie empowers those lies to become real to us. Joining me today to empower you with strategies to live from a healthy personal identity is my good friend and former American Eagle model, Brigitte Wanner.
In this episode, you’ll discover…
- The performance-acceptance cycle mandates that we perform well in order to be good as person.
- Breaking insecurities are often accomplished by serving others.
- In order to break the cycle of insecurity and competition, you must be willing to invite feedback and mentors into your life.
- When we succumb to the performance-acceptance manner of living, we sacrifice living a life of authenticity, one that’s right in front of us.
- You must run your own race and ignore the temptation to compete internally with those around you.
- Self-worth doesn’t come from others. It comes from God.
- Our goal in this life is not to be comfort ale. It’s to impact others.