How many of you have been in the pursuit of a romantic relationship when, much to your surprise, you found yourself dumped in the “friend zone”? It’s an awkward place to be, isn’t it? Well this week on “Win Today,” I want to find out how guys get sent to the friend zone, if they can ever get out, and what they can do to most effectively “pull the trigger” on a prospect. We’re also going to talk about how guys and girls can better position themselves for successful romantic relationships and what each person can do to remain a contributor instead of a “taker” in the context of a relationship.
In this episode, you’ll discover…
- A lot of relationship confusion occurs when a lack of defining the relationship occurs. Clarity in communication is critical for success.
- Relationship requires risk. Guys, be willing to establish your feelings early-on. Certainly doing so is a risk, but the potential payout is worthwhile.
- Risk of rejection is intimidating to anyone involved in a relationship.
- The “friend zone” isn’t a bad place to start; it’s just a disappointing place to end when one party expects more from the relationship.
- Be willing to take regular “temperature checks,” especially early-on. Where are your emotions and desires for the relationship at each step?
- You must be willing to slow-down and protect your heart and mind from going further in the relationship than it actually is.
- Vulnerability requires risk.
- Defining the relationship is best so that you and your potential significant other can move together with more intention or move apart with less emotional hurt.
Thanks again for joining us this week. I’m really excited to continue our conversation with Derek, Katie, Jamal, and Carmen next week right here on Win Today. Listen, I want to hear more from you. So…I have a brand new call-in line in which I want to invite you to ask me a question about anything. I’ll air your question on the show and do my best to answer it. Here’s the number: 248-266-2945. That’s 248-266-2945. Again, don’t forget to join us next week for the continuation of this great conversation about relationships. Until next time, visit me over at for blogs and archived podcasts all designed to help you become the best you’re capable of becoming. Have an awesome week.