Beneath the surface of disappointment, unmet expectations, past mistakes, hopelessness, and insecurity resides a root system whose capacity has within itself the potential to cripple the hopes, dreams, and the motivation to live a life characterized by significance.
What is that root system? It is the roots of rejection.
This week, I’m starting a three-part series on rejection, and my aim is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to uproot and dismantle the stronghold of rejection in your life. Here’s how it’s going to work. This week, we’re discussing the roots of rejection. Next week, we’ll tackle the response to rejection. In other words, what is our life’s posture after having been infected by rejection. And two weeks from now, we’ll finish by discussing the remedy for rejection.
I’ve not felt so strongly about any particular subject because it feeds fear and shame and causes destruction throughout one’s entire life.