There is a huge difference between being victimized and being a victim. Victims of life bask in self-pity and place their identity in their deficiency. The same goes for you and me. We can go through life with a chip on our shoulder about who screwed us over, live in self-pity, and find sufficiency in deficiency, or with reckless abandon, refuse to be victims of our circumstances. If you’re sick and tired of living life as a victim, welcome to my conversation with my good friends, Chris & Megan Rea from No Small Life.
We can go through life with a chip on our shoulder about who screwed us over, live in self-pity, and find sufficiency in deficiency, or with reckless abandon, refuse to be victims of our circumstances. If you’re sick and tired of living life as a victim and are ready to live life on purpose, here’s a breakdown of Bartimaeus’ breakthrough:
- Really desire breakthrough. As I mentioned earlier, being taken care of is living on easy street, but cripples your ability to rise above your circumstances and live a life of purpose and fulfilled potential. Bartimaeus was desperate when he cried, “Son of David, have pity and mercy on me now!”
- Burn the victim card. Mark 10:50 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible: “And throwing off his outer garment, he leaped up and came to Jesus.” What’s your “outer garment”? Self-pity? Regret? Bitterness about your past? Unresolved disappointment? Whatever it is, deal with it then throw it off.
- Take responsibility for life. Why would Jesus ask a blind man what he wanted? Wouldn’t that be obvious? I believe Jesus’ question was rhetorical. He knew Bartimaeus needed healing but wanted to make sure Bartimaeus wanted to be healed in order to live a life of purpose instead of a life on the curb.
- Turn your pity into purpose. Once you dump the pity, you have no choice but to live each day on purpose. In Mark 10:52, Bartimaeus did just that: “And at once he received his sight and accompanied Jesus on the road.” The road to your purpose is waiting for your tread.
In this episode, you’ll discover…
- There is a huge difference between being victimized and being a victim. Victims of life bask in self-pity and place their identity in their deficiency.
- Too often, we find sufficiency in our deficiency.
- Your life will go in the direction of your strongest thoughts.